Holiday Travel: How to Reduce Travel Stress and Anxiety

Sherry Amatenstein, LCSW

I have always loved traveling and have been fortunate to visit a myriad of fabulous destinations from Nairobi to Nevada to New Orleans. However, the getting to and from the destination part of traveling has sometimes been so stressful I’ve occasionally been tempted to call off the trip.

According to the Travel Research Journal, fear of travel—in particular, flying—is fairly common. One of every six adult Americans, or 25,000,000 is afraid to fly although flying continues to be the safest form of travel.¹

Older research reflects my experience. A 2012 survey of 110 participants conducted by the journal Travel Analysis found the most stressful parts of travel are the planning stages.²

Stress-Free Travel?

Is Stress-Free Travel Possible?

I can relate. Not only am I am a terrible packer—second, third, and fourth guessing myself over which items to take and which to leave—I worry incessantly that I will forget to include essentials, or that if I have to check a bag it will be lost in transit.

On holidays, the pre-travel anticipation increases, knowing the gridlocked highways, super-crowded planes, stations, and hotels lie ahead. I don’t mind airplanes it’s the whole travel process that fills me with worry.

In 2007, David Lewis, an English neuropsychologist, likened passing through Heathrow Airport as equivalent to facing riots!(3) Last year my patient *Ann canceled her Christmas trip to visit family because she feared feeling overwhelmed and claustrophobic by the crowds.

Fortunately, there are much better ways to deal with pre-travel stress than staying home from Thanksgiving eve until New Year’s Day.

Nurture Yourself

Nurture Yourself Before You Go

Resist the urge to neglect the basics and not practice good self-care to have more time for trip planning and the chore of packing! Make the extra effort to get enough sleep, eat healthy, and get to the gym.

Don’t think, “I’ll be able to relax once I’m away from work/on vacation/with my loved ones,” and stress yourself to the bone beforehand. That stress will take a toll.

Avoid Insomnia

You Can Avoid Insomnia

Dreading everything that can go wrong on the way to your destination can lead to sleepless nights. When you start to ruminate, pop on a meditation! Check out Psycom’s list of 25 meditation resources, ranging from phone apps to YouTube videos.

When I begin obsessing, I remind myself of the hundreds of trips I’ve taken over the years and how even when there have been mishaps, things always worked out in the end, and I’ve had amazing experiences along the way.

Combat Phobias

Combat Travel-Related Phobias

Do you have a fear of flying?

  • A flight attendant offered this suggestion: “Compare flying to being on a boat. The latter has waves that cause the ship to rock. Airplanes behave the same: invisible waves of air.”
  • Bring objects with you that bring comfort—photos of your loved ones, a favorite blanket, or a scarf sprayed with your favorite perfume.
  • Alert the flight attendants that you might need extra attention.
  • Download some apps! There are tons of apps to help you feel calm, in general, and while traveling. Here, are some travel apps for nervous flyers.

Terrified of missing your flight?

Here are time-saving tactics:

  • Be sure your boarding pass is on your phone or print them out beforehand.
  • Don’t check a bag. Pack in a carry-on. Consider shipping large pieces of luggage ahead.
  • Stay at the airport hotel or plan on getting to the airport an hour before the suggested arrival time.
  • Take an early flight. The first flights of the day are least likely to be stuck on the runway.
  • Enroll in TSA PreCheck or Global Entry and zoom to the head of the security lines.
  • Pre-book airport transfers. The more you plan, the less nervous you will be.

Hate crowds?

  • At its most severe, this is also known as enochlophobia. It is helpful to breathe calmly and deeply—taking slow, regular breaths through your nose, waiting a few seconds, than exhaling through your mouth.
  • Stay focused on your goal—”Okay, I have to look for Gate 10,”–and just look straight ahead rather than the hoards rushing to their gates.
  • Avoid crowds and long lines whenever possible: For example, book a car beforehand so you don’t get stressed at the rental counter upon arrival but can head directly to your assigned vehicle.

Social anxiety?

By nature, I prefer solitude but when I’m traveling I tell myself that meeting people I will likely never see again allows me to try on a different persona—the socially-bold Sherry. Plus, travel offers easy topics of conversation—asking for directions, sharing amazement at a superlative view or monument, and inquiring where the person is from…

All in The Planning

Don’t be a last minute Don or Dora:

  • Make a master packing list on your computer or phone that you can keep referring to and adjust as needed. Here is the ultimate international packing list.
  • Among the items you always need: toiletries, a first aid kit, emergency contact numbers, anti-bacterial wipes, travel-sized toothpaste, zip lock bags, a plastic rain poncho, an umbrella…
  • If traveling with children, prepare sufficient toys, snacks, downloadable games, child seat covers, etc.
  • Make a list of every conceivable task and purchase for the trip well in advance. For example, I discovered only days before an international trip that my passport required six months to expire to be usable. Mine had one month left, yikes! At rushmypassport you can expedite the renewal process.

Travel Sickness Aids

Don’t let motion sickness curb your adventurous spirit: Psi Bands are FDA-cleared and patented medical devices to relieve nausea linked to motion sickness.

Products that Promote Comfort and Ease Stress

*Please note I have not personally tried all these items but have heard good reports.

Wishing you an anxiety-free journey.


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