Author: admin

  • Expanding Psychological Support With Peer Paracounseling

    George S. Everly, Jr. PhD, ABPP, FACLP Psychological health is the cornerstone of successful careers, successful marriages, effective child-rearing, and even physical health. At one or more points in virtually everyone’s life, however, their psychological well-being will be challenged. Science tells usScience tells us that the best predictor of psychological well-being is a connection to supportive friends,…

  • Finding Light in the Darkness

    Joyce Marter LCPC MINDFULNESS In a world where mass shootings and the horrific tragedies of war are continually in your news feed, it’s easy to feel hopeless. Glimmers can help you achieve a more positive outlook when faced with adversity. Glimmers are those flickers of hope, happiness, or optimism that we encounter during challenging times or when we’re…

  • Path to True Self: What’s Missing in My View of the World

    Susanna Wu-Pong Calvert Ph.D., MAPP, RPh Though I’ve always thought that I had a balanced view of the world, I’ve learned that not everything is determined by nations and organizations that make decisions unilaterally from the top down. Rather, I sense that—even more importantly—it’s more about a multifaceted community where people simultaneously inform and execute decisions…

  • Mental Health By the Numbers

    NAMI Millions of people in the U.S. are affected by mental illness each year. It’s important to measure how common mental illness is, so we can understand its physical, social and financial impact — and so we can show that no one is alone. These numbers are also powerful tools for raising public awareness, stigma-busting…

  • Too Busy for Mindfulness? Try Mindful Moments Instead

    Liz White DClinPsy, CPsychol Our lives are hectic, busy and full of competing demands that can be hard to keep up with. We sometimes live our lives on autopilot, mindlessly going from one task to another, and as a result, we miss out on the nuance of our experiences. Mindfulness, on the other hand, is an antidote to…

  • How Literature Teaches Compassion Over Condescension

    Matthew Clemente, Ph.D. and David Goodman, Ph.D. In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, the 20th century Czech novelist Milan Kundera unpacks the etymology of the word “compassion.” Languages that derive their understanding of compassion from Latin (com-, “with”; passio, “suffering”) tend to view compassion as synonymous with pity. Understood as such, compassion is the recognition of another’s suffering…

  • Matthew Perry starred in a hit show. But for those fighting addiction, his greatest legacy is his memoir

    Written by August Brown (LA Times) (Photo credit: Good Morning America interview) (NOTE from Blog Publisher) We covered a news story last year, October 19th 2022, in which Matthew Perry admits to almost dying due to his addiction of opioids. The title was “Matthew Perry Reveals He Nearly Died After Opioid Abuse Burst His Colon” and…

  • The Emotional Secret to Resisting Alcohol

    Jeanette Hu AMFT When I ask a new client about why they want to cut down on drinking, more often than not, I get some version of “I should drink less…” They go on to tell me how alcohol is bad for their health, how stopping drinking will improve their marriage, or how “it’s bad to drink too…

  • Cold-Water Swimming and Winter Exercise Can Make You Happy

    Caroline Kamau Ph.D. Watching the Baltimore Watching the Baltimore Ravens play the Tennessee Titans in an NFL game in London recently in temperatures close to freezing, fans in the stadium must have felt cold, but the players must have felt even colder at the start of the game when they arrived on the pitch in t-shirts.…

  • Addiction Counseling: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

    Rubin Khoddam Ph.D. In the battle against addiction, the road to recovery is often a complex and challenging journey. Addiction is a deeply personal experience, and what works for one person may not be effective for another. This is where this is where addiction counseling, specifically individualized treatment plans, plays a pivotal role. Explore the benefits of…