Category: Mental Illness

  • Swimming Toward Healing

    Jennifer Gerlach LCSW I stepped down into the pool. Cold. Nice. I had a lot on my mind. I started justI started just focusing on the motions. Up, down, side. “Am I doing this right?” “Do I care?” I thought about my worries. My hopes. People in my life. Back and forth. Thinking. Sending well wishes. Processing.…

  • How to Keep Anchored During Difficult World Events

    Beth Kurland Ph.D. If you are struggling deeply with recent world events, you are certainly not alone. I have been alive on this planet for over five decades and somehow these last recent years have felt like some of the most challenging — collectively and on a global scale — that I can remember in…

  • The BPD Chronicles: New Study Examines Patient Experiences

    Jerold J. Kreisman M.D. “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseasesto cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.” –Voltaire Clinicians and researchers are trained to understand, diagnose, and treat illness, but they can’t move inside patients to fully comprehend their suffering. Indeed,…

  • Eliminate Fear With Creativity

    Robert Evans Wilson Jr. We are often inundated by fear. Fear is doled out by politicians to influence people. Advertisers peddle fear to keep people buying their products and services. Some media outlets lead with it to build audiences and sell more ad space. Doomsayers, prognosticators, and conspiracy theorists spread it to gather followers and create…

  • 5 Ways to Reduce New Employees’ Anxiety

    Gil Winch Ph.D. Starting a new job entails dealing with much uncertainty regarding the job itself, the people and the culture, so it’s not surprising that in a recent survey, a whopping 87% reported suffering from ‘new job jitters’. Yet, the term ‘jitters’ doesn’t really convey how anxiety-provoking, stressful, scary, and rife with challenges starting a new job actually is,…

  • Navigating Parenthood With a Mental Illness

    Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy MD Mental health conditions are common. One in five U.S. adults experience a mental illness and global estimates show at least 50 percent of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetime. Decades of research have documented the relationship between parental mental health and that of their children: The mechanisms are complex…

  • 3 Ways Mindfulness Meditation Makes Therapy Work Better

    Loren Soeiro, Ph.D. ABPP If you practice mindfulness meditation, you probably know that it can lower your stress level, reduce anxiety, and improve low moods. You might also be aware of its health-improving properties. According to the National Institutes of Health, mindfulness meditation may be able to reduce your blood pressure, help you cope with chronic pain, and even make it easier to…

  • How to Improve the Human Ability to Forecast

    Thomas Suddendorf Ph.D. There are many good reasons to complain about human foresight. For one thing, we are often lousy at taking a longer view, being guided instead by the prospects of a quick buck, the whims of the daily news cycle, or likes on social media. We persistently predict our projects will be finished within…

  • Young Creators Are Burning Out and Breaking Down

    By Taylor Lorenz ( New York Times) Lately, it’s been hard for Jack Innanen, a 22-year-old TikTok star from Toronto, to create content. “I feel like I’m tapping a keg that’s been empty for a year,” he said. Spending hours shooting, editing, storyboarding, engaging with fans, setting up brand deals and balancing the many other responsibilities that come…

  • The Conflicting Science of Social Media and Mental Health

    Austin Perlmutter M.D. As of 2023, the United States has almost 250 million social media users. That number climbs to nearly 5 billion people worldwide and is expected to reach 6 billion by 2027. The average person spends an astonishing two and half hours of their time on social media each day. To put that into perspective,…