Category: Uncategorized

  • 4 Surprising Ways to Maintain a Youthful Brain

    Scott C. Anderson “If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” That quote, which has been attributed to Eubie Blake, resonates well enough to have been repeated by Mickey Mantle, Mae West, and Erma Bombeck, among others. But is it true? Can aging be…

  • Observing Juneteenth and Supporting Mental Health Equity

    APA Leadership This weekend, we acknowledge and observe Juneteenth, a holiday that commemorates the day that the end of slavery was announced in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865. Juneteenth has been celebrated by the Black community since the late 1800s. Now, pending President Biden’s signature, expected this afternoon, it will be a federal holiday…

  • Using Our Voice to Protect the Mental Health of the LGBTQ+ Community

    By Hannah Wesolowski For nearly half a century, NAMI advocates have fought for every person to have access to the mental health care they need when and where they need it. While we’ve come a long way, we unfortunately still live far from that reality. For many, new barriers are making it even harder to…

  • 6 things you can try to overcome not being motivated

    Steven C. Hayes Ph.D. *The original title of this blog is “When You’re Just Not Feeling Motivated” but we are talking about 6 strategies that is a proper motivation for you. Some days, you are just not feeling it. You don’t want to get out of bed. You don’t want to make that difficult call,…

  • Narrowing Down The Choices: What Treatment Is Best for Me?

    Claire Wilcox M.D. If there’s one consistent truth in behavioral health treatment, it’s that one size does not fit all. Cookie-cutter treatment often doesn’t work, even if an accurate diagnosis has been made and standard-of-care interventions are applied. In the case of major depressive disorder, for example, numerous options are available. In terms of pharmacotherapy,…

  • The Power of Writing to Heal

    Writing has been instrumental in my healing process since I first stepped into a writing workshop in 2007. I was trying to heal from a major depressive episode that forced me to resign from my first social work position and required six inpatient admissions over a span of 18 months. I also endured a course…

  • Raising Awareness: Men’s Health Month sheds light on crucial issues

    Brody Wooddell June is a month dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health. Men’s Health Month serves as an essential reminder to prioritize and address the unique health challenges faced by men. It is an opportunity to shed light on crucial issues and promote a proactive approach towards men’s well-being. The State of Men’s Health…

  • 11 Tools to Cope With Burnout and Overwhelm

    Ravi Chandra M.D., D.F.A.P.A. ​Burnout is a major and growing problem. The pandemic and stresses of multiple cultural traumas, including the quest for racial justice and equity for all, including sexual and gender minorities, have taken a great toll. The National Academy of Medicine has produced a report on health force well-being, and the American Psychiatric Association estimates two out of five psychiatrists…

  • Dismantling Reactive Avoidance: Facing Anxiety Head-On

    Reach your full potential Luana Marques Ph.D. Sarah, a competent marketing executive, has been wrestling with anxiety for quite some time. Lately, she feels like her professional and personal growth has hit a wall. The more she attempts to ward off her anxiety, the stronger its grip appears to become. She confided that she usually responds to…

  • 5 Self-Soothing Techniques

    Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. Self-soothing is defined as an individual’s efforts or capacity to calm themselves while in a state of emotional distress (Wright, 2009). It is a key aspect of well-being as it helps us stay regulated and calm (take the well-being quiz here to learn more about your well-being). We learn many of our self-soothing patterns…