Category: recovery

  • Generative AI Could Help Solve the U.S. Mental Health Crisis

    Ashley Andreou & ChatGPT At ten years old, I considered I, Robot a scary movie. To this day, it lives on as a flashbulb memory in my mind—loss of control and existential threat don’t sit well with me. A similar uneasiness took hold when I recently read the news: ChatGPT can handle questions on the US medical licensing exam…

  • Long-Term Cannabis Use, Cognitive Decline, and the Hippocampus

    Timmen L. Cermak MD New data shows the negative impact of long-term cannabis use on cognition and hippocampal volume at age 45. IQ declines by a mean of 5.5 points and hippocampal volume decline by 12 percent after decades of persistent cannabis use. Changes caused by long-term cannabis use resemble risk factors for dementia later…

  • Why Young People Are Languishing

    The mental health of young people of both sexes is declining New data suggest that young people of both sexes are languishing. Global and cultural circumstances may be facilitating the decline in young people’s mental health. Today’s youngsters may face more stressors, but may also be more emotionally fragile. Glancing at the news, and the…

  • AI Identifies Rare Forms of Dementia

    Written by Cami Rosso and reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster A new study conducted by scientists affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, and the University of Leipzig Medical Center demonstrates that artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning can detect rare types of dementia using medical images. “Dementia syndromes can be difficult to diagnose,” the…


    NAMI California Good news: State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) has introduced SB 224 to require all students in California receive age-appropriate mental health education. The bill, which NAMI California co-sponsored, ensures that students in grades 1 and 12 will receive mental health education from a qualified instructor at least one…

  • What is Blue Monday?

    By Randi Mazzella Deemed the most miserable day of the year (but not backed by science), Blue Monday is the third Monday in January. Read this if you feel let down when the excitement of the holidays are over. For some people, the holiday season is a difficult time of year. When the holiday décor…

  • Understanding Addiction and What It Feels Like to Be Addicted

    By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhDMedically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD If you’ve never experienced addiction, it can be hard to understand. Everyone’s experience with addiction is unique. This article is intended to encourage an understanding of people with addiction, not to represent or stigmatize any individual or groups.  What Is Substance Dependence? Feeling Apart…

  • Reasons You Should Definitely Go To Therapy

    Karen L. Smith MSS LCSW Maybe you have been thinking about it for years, maybe you went for a bit years ago and it wasn’t great, or maybe people have suggested it to you over the years but it seemed silly. If you have never done a serious and successful stint of real psychotherapy, if…

  • 10 Wellness Trends From 2022 That Experts Say You Should Keep In 2023

    By Jillian Wilson – Huffington Post A lot of things trend on social media, and many of those trending topics aren’t good. In fact, they can be pretty harmful (looking at you, NyQuil chicken). But, like all trends, they capture attention for a reason — some of these popular topics even prove pretty useful. In the…

  • Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness

    NIMH – National Institute Mental Health Are you afraid of being judged by others? Are you self-conscious in everyday social situations? Do you avoid meeting new people due to fear or anxiety? If you have been feeling this way for at least 6 months and these feelings make it hard for you to do everyday…