Tag: Connection Between Substance Use Disorder and Mental Illness

  • Long-Term Cannabis Use, Cognitive Decline, and the Hippocampus

    Timmen L. Cermak MD New data shows the negative impact of long-term cannabis use on cognition and hippocampal volume at age 45. IQ declines by a mean of 5.5 points and hippocampal volume decline by 12 percent after decades of persistent cannabis use. Changes caused by long-term cannabis use resemble risk factors for dementia later…

  • More Than 1 in 9 Adults With Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders Are Arrested Annually

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pew Trust Only 10% of all adults with co-occurring disorders received treatment for both conditions in the past year, national survey data show Policymakers are increasingly focused on justice system interactions with and outcomes for people with either mental illness or substance use disorders.1 What has received less attention, however, is the extent to which…

  • Corrections-Based Responses to the Opioid Epidemic

    Vera.org Lessons from New York State’s Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Program Overview As the opioid crisis has swept the nation, more and more states are equipping their first responders and police officers with naloxone, an overdose antidote that reverses opioid overdoses and can be administered by bystanders with minimal training. This report details the…

  • 2022 was worst year for overdose deaths in New Hampshire since 2017

    Troy Lynch News Anchor/Reporter WMUR MANCHESTER, N.H. — Newly released figures show that 2022 was the worst year for overdose deaths in New Hampshire since 2017. State officials said there were 434 confirmed overdose deaths, with another 39 deaths still pending toxicology test results. In every overdose death, fentanyl was involved. There have been more…

  • Teen Influencers as Social Media Psychiatrists

    Joseph E. Davis Ph.D. “I can’t; no matter how much I try, it’s like my brain won’t let me do it,” said a teen in a user-generated TikTok video, responding to a challenge to put her hand on a stove for $100. When the teen said her brain was stopping her, the challenger (same teen) quickly drew…

  • Understanding Addiction and What It Feels Like to Be Addicted

    By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhDMedically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD If you’ve never experienced addiction, it can be hard to understand. Everyone’s experience with addiction is unique. This article is intended to encourage an understanding of people with addiction, not to represent or stigmatize any individual or groups.  What Is Substance Dependence? Feeling Apart…

  • Reasons You Should Definitely Go To Therapy

    Karen L. Smith MSS LCSW Maybe you have been thinking about it for years, maybe you went for a bit years ago and it wasn’t great, or maybe people have suggested it to you over the years but it seemed silly. If you have never done a serious and successful stint of real psychotherapy, if…

  • The Correlation Between Trauma & Substance Abuse

    By The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake | Editor Melissa CarmonaMedically Reviewed By Nanci Stockwell, LCSW, MBA One of the most frequently asked questions regarding substance abuse is, “what causes addiction?” While there’s no clear answer, there are several risk factors that affect the likelihood that a person will experience addiction during their lifetime. A family history of addiction, having…


    Windmill Wellness One of the most common challenges people struggling with addiction face is what to do instead of their bad habits. Some may fear they cannot have fun without drugs or alcohol, while others are simply new to sober activities. Either way, having a repertoire of fun and fulfilling activities to fall back on…

  • 31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health

    Mental Health America 1. Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day. 2. Start your day with a cup of co­ffee. Coff­ee consumption is linked to lower rates of depression. If you can’t drink coff­ee because of the caff­eine, try another good-for-you drink…