Tag: depression

  • Who Cares?

    Sandra Parker Ph.D. Climate disasters, power-hungry narcissists, fake news, identity theft, rising food prices … Has a sense of overwhelm begun to permeate as you scroll through your feed? Do you feel a certain weariness around caring? If so, you are not alone; compassion fatigue has worsened for many people post-pandemic, leading to sleep difficulty, irritability, and numbing. Many of…

  • How the U.S. Is Failing Moms on Maternal Mental Health Care

    Melissa Rampelli Ph.D. The journey of motherhood is often romanticized, but beneath the surface lies a complex landscape of challenges that can significantly impact a woman’s mental health. Up to 20 percent of pregnant individuals and new mothers are affected by maternal mental health (MMH) conditions, including anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (1). Approximately 75 percent of MMH conditions…

  • One Special Word That Lessens Depressive Emotions

    Donald Altman When your emotions are rocky, this single word can right the ship. Have you ever been the target of unwanted, unwelcome, and unkind words? Or maybe you find yourself in a distressing situation or relationship at home or work that seems untenable at times. If this leaves you feeling stuck, depressed, or hopeless, it’s…

  • Health Anxiety: Inflating the Likelihood of Serious Disease

    Brittney Chesworth Ph.D., LCSW With health anxiety, we tend to overestimate the likelihood of severe disease. Learning how to challenge thinking errors is critical to see the probability of a threat more accurately. Examining the evidence is a cognitive behavioral therapy technique to help reframe thoughts. It is well-known among health anxiety researchers and clinicians…

  • CDC report shows concerning increases in sadness and exposure to violence among teen girls and LGBQ+ youth

    Center for Disease Control Schools can offer a critical lifeline for students facing trauma New trend data from CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) reveal that teen girls and teens who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ+) are experiencing extremely high levels of mental distress, violence, and substance use. With the right programs…