Tag: help

  • Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic and Pragmatic: The Perfect Should Not be the Enemy of the Good

    January 4, 2022 By Dr. Nora Volkow This essay was also published by Health Affairs on January 3, 2022. Last year saw drug overdose deaths in the U.S. surpass an unthinkable milestone: 100,000 deaths in a year. This is the highest number of drug overdoses in our country’s history, and the numbers are climbing every month. There is an…

  • 6 of the Hardest Drugs to Quit

    Edited by:Marisa Crane, B.S. Updated Apr 4, 2022 Publisher notes: When you sign up for HereNOW Help you can utilize our tools to set a clear path to addiction recovery, here are some benefits of our app. MEASURE OUTCOMESDo assessments, create treatment plans, set goals and track progress. Explore & export all user data. INCREASE REFERRALSEngage…

  • In Some Workplaces, It’s Now OK Not to Be OK

    BY BRUCE HOROVITZ JUNE 22, 2022 2:32 PM EDT Good mental health seemed like a given to Kamini Cormier. Then, came the pandemic. Back in 2020, when she was forced to isolate herself at home with her husband and adolescent daughters, she started feeling aches and pains all over her body. She figured she’d probably caught…

  • How Teachers Help Students with Mental Health Disorders

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Vantagereport.com Staff Teachers are expected to do so much with students in only six hours a day. It would be an easy job if all they had to do was teach the subject matter and go home. But their jobs are far greater. Teachers are expected to act as parents, counselors, disciplinarians, tutors, and…

  • Recovery Model of Mental Illness: A Complementary Approach to Psychiatric Care

    K. S. Jacob This disclaimer relates to PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), and Bookshelf. These three resources are scientific literature databases offered to the public by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). NLM is not a publisher, but rather collects, indexes, and archives scientific literature published by other organizations. The presence of any article, book,…

  • The Five Stages of Recovery

    Although recovering from drug or alcohol abuse can be an intense and unpredictable process for many, addiction experts around the world have noticed a trend in patients that eventually see lasting change. It takes a great deal of strength and perseverance to go through rehab, and the decision to lead a life free from drugs and…