Tag: mental health

  • How to Balance Self-Care and Productivity

    Alice Boyes Ph.D. You might’ve heard of the TikTok trend “bed rotting,” meaning to stay in bed all day relaxing. The trend promotes spending the whole day in bed for self-care, and to resist pressures to be productive. To avoid the downsides of bed rotting—like it potentially disrupting your sleep rhythms—consider these alternative ways to…

  • The Psychology of Happiness

    Lawrence R. Samuel Ph.D. It is safe to say that the pursuit of happiness—a phrase penned by the Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence—has served as a primary ambition for many Americans throughout the nation’s history. It was soon after World War I when—as I posit in Happiness in America: A Cultural History—the modern concept of happiness…

  • What We Know About Youth Mental Health Visits to the ER

    The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research It’s well-established that youth mental health has suffered in recent years—with wide-ranging factors contributing to the problem including the proliferation of social media among young people and the isolation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, the U.S. Surgeon General reported that 44 percent of U.S. high-school students feel persistently sad…

  • How Gratitude May Mitigate Loneliness

    Finding ways to overcome loneliness can improve health. Rita Watson MPH Researchers began reporting on the effects of loneliness even before the pandemic forced people into isolation and social distancing. Although the preponderance of the research focused on the elderly, even young people can feel lonely. Social isolation is what someone experiences when they are without connections…

  • To Reach Goals, Make a Plan

    Marisa T. Cohen PhD, LMFT Although we may set goals such as learning a new language, finishing work projects on time, and organizing the closets, we don’t always complete them. While the difficulty of the goal and the motivation we have for embarking on our goal-achieving journey may influence our ability to reach what we…

  • “Aha” Moments: Buds of Beauty and Brilliance

    Bruce Wilson Ph.D. An epiphany is a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you. Really effective counseling emanates from sessions that nurture and encourage these powerful atypical moments. One of the primary goals of any psychologist is to help people to move away from…

  • Research on children’s mental health in the community

    Center for Disease Control Project to Learn About Youth – Mental Health The Project to Learn About Youth – Mental Health (PLAY-MH) analyzed information collected from four communities. The focus was to study attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other externalizing and internalizing disorders, as well as tic disorders in school-aged children. The purpose was to learn more about public health prevention…

  • Situational Fluency

    Sara Canaday In my previous post, I provided a list of some unexpected but critical ways to measure leadership effectiveness. Now I’d like to add something to that list. What is it? Situational fluency. The best way to define situational fluency is by describing what it looks like in action. Consider this scenario. Luisa was leading a team meeting and…

  • 10 US States that need to improve mental health care

    Les Masterson – Forbes (excerpt from The Worst States For Mental Health Care, Ranked) Over 50 million Americans have a mental illness, but more than half (55%) of adults with a mental illness don’t receive treatment. In some states, accessing mental health care may be more challenging because of high costs, too few mental health…

  • 30 Low-Stress Jobs for People with Anxiety

    Summit Malibu For people who are naturally anxious, trying to find the right employment fit can be scary and intimidating. If recruiters advertised “low-stress jobs” in their hiring promotions or even the “best jobs for people with anxiety,” it would make the job hunt much easier for so many people. There’s no shortage of individuals…