Tag: mental health

  • Calm Your Mind With Micro-Meditation

    L. Kenneth Zweig M.D. I’m sure you’ve heard about the benefits of meditation and probably had someone suggest you try it. Meditation is touted to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improve attention, memory, sleep, and energy. I’ve heard this mantra (cue “groan”) for years, but never really got into it myself. That is, until I heard…

  • An Antidote for Hope-ium: Mindfulness

    Chelom E. Leavitt, J.D., Ph.D. False hope impedes growth and relational connection. Mindfulness may help. “Hope-ium” describes a harmful behavior that looks for small moments or experiences to bolster false hope. Hope-ium is a druglike response to avoid the hard realities of a problematic relationship. Mindful acceptance is the first step in sorting through the…

  • Focus on Children’s Wellness: Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

    Weil Cornell Medicine It’s normal for children to experience sadness, irritability and anxiety every now and then. Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether your child is dealing with standard day-to-day stressors, such as juggling homework, sports, and social activities, or if it’s something more serious.   In observance of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, Weill…

  • C-PTSD: What Is Complex PTSD?

    Making sense of differing descriptions of C-PTSD. Shauna H Springer Ph.D. Complex PTSD refers to different things for different people. Among clinicians, C-PTSD is often used to refer to someone with both Axis I and Axis II disorders. For trauma sufferers, C-PTSD validates their experience of multiple layers of trauma. The two perspectives can be…

  • 5 Steps for Managing Anxiety

    Monica Vermani C. Psych. Continuing on our focus of “May is Mental Health Awareness Month” We love like to share with you a good tool to help you if you are experiencing anxiety in your day-to-day life. Anxiety is part of life. We are hard-wired to survive by reacting to perceived threats—real or imagined—as they…

  • Mental Health Awareness Month Facts

    National Council for Mental Well Being Each May, the National Council observes Mental Health Awareness Month, a national event to bring attention to the importance of mental health. To help raise awareness in your community, we compiled publications, toolkits, original content and other learning materials for you to take advantage of throughout the month. Help…

  • Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest Brings Awareness to Youth Mental Health

    by CSoC Team Concord, N.H. (January 12, 2023) – As the awareness and prevalence of mental health conditions become more widespread and acknowledged, the New Hampshire Children’s System of Care (CSoC) is launching the fifth year of its Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest. Now through April 3, New Hampshire students in fifth through 12th grade are invited…

  • Erasing Mental Health Stigma in the Black Community

    By Brakeyshia R. Samms As a Black woman living with mental illness, I’ve been told plenty of times by other Black people that I should not talk about my experience managing my mental health condition. That sentiment is always frustrating and discouraging to hear. The pervasive stigma surrounding mental illness in the Black community often…

  • A Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2023

    Official White House Briefing Room    During National Mental Health Awareness Month, we honor the absolute courage of the tens of millions of Americans living with mental health conditions, and we celebrate the loved ones and mental health professionals who are there for them every day.  Treatment works, and there is no shame in seeking…

  • Resources for Suicide Prevention

    Written by Jessica White – Community Mental Health Worker & Case Manager If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal ideation or thoughts of harming yourself, help is out there. Below are resources for suicide prevention that you can use for yourself or pass along to someone you know. Consider an online MFT program and learn…