Tag: mental illness

  • Treating Sensory and Environmental Challenges

    Jessica Broitman Ph.D. Co-authored with Miranda Melcher As discussed in a previous blog, sensory issues are essentially someone finding touch, sound, light, taste, or other sense-based stimuli either too much or too little in their effect, compared to the range of “normal.” These issues can often be unnoticed, including by the affected person, since what is considered normal…

  • How Mindfulness Affects the Brain and Body

    Marianna Pogosyan Ph.D. Neuroscientist David Vago begins each day with meditation. Like millions worldwide, Vago sees his mindfulness practice as good medicine holistically promoting health. Inspired by the staggering power of the human mind, Vago has studied the neurobiological mechanisms of mind-body practices for almost 15 years. Mindfulness – a moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings…

  • Eradicating Labeling People With Mental Health Issues

    Jennifer Guttman Psy.D. About 20 percent of adults have at least one mental health condition. People can embrace discussions about coping with mental adversity at home or out with family or friends. Be mindful and sensitive that the mental health issues people struggle with don’t define their state of being or who they are. One…

  • Losing Home: Rediscovering a Sense of Self

    Elizabeth Heaney MA, LPC KEY POINTS It is essential to have a stable, clear sense of self. Sometimes, our identities go through profound changes, and we need to be able to rebuild a sense of who we are. Losing self may be a normal pattern, and rediscovering a sense of self is a crucial skill…

  • Generative AI Could Help Solve the U.S. Mental Health Crisis

    Ashley Andreou & ChatGPT At ten years old, I considered I, Robot a scary movie. To this day, it lives on as a flashbulb memory in my mind—loss of control and existential threat don’t sit well with me. A similar uneasiness took hold when I recently read the news: ChatGPT can handle questions on the US medical licensing exam…

  • More Than 1 in 9 Adults With Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders Are Arrested Annually

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pew Trust Only 10% of all adults with co-occurring disorders received treatment for both conditions in the past year, national survey data show Policymakers are increasingly focused on justice system interactions with and outcomes for people with either mental illness or substance use disorders.1 What has received less attention, however, is the extent to which…

  • Will New Hyper-Realistic Video Filters Harm Mental Health?

    Gwendolyn Seidman Ph.D. Close Encounters We are not the first to point to one of Silicon Valley’s favorite tenets, move fast and break things, and say, that’s fine, as long as those things aren’t people. But nowhere is this more apparent than with the new TikTok Bold Glamour filter. It is a live-action video distortion filter…

  • The Road to Deep Emotional Connection With Yourself

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Lawrence J. Cohen Ph.D. Playful Parenting   Acknowledge the emotions you have, and accept them all as normal and universal Adults still need all of their emotions to be seen, recognized, reflected, and validated, just like toddlers, kindergartners, school-age children, and adolescents. Adults still act in less-than-ideal ways (to put it mildly) because of…

  • Common Reasons Why We Deny Our Trauma History

    Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS Messages such as “Honor your parents” and “Love is unconditional” contribute to messages that force survivors to deny their reality. Reading and self-educating are steps toward healing and empowering oneself to overcome one’s history. While conversations around trauma are becoming more normalized, we still have a long way to go toward healing.…

  • The Mental Health Industry Transformation

    How increases in mental health issues have transformed the helping professions. In the past two decades, mental health issues have been skyrocketing across the world, creating a need for mental health professionals. These days, we even talk about the mental health “industry,” terminology that was simply not used 20 years ago.We need both short- and…