Tag: Recovery Model of Mental Illness

  • Fear of Failure Holding You Back?

    Recognize when it’s wise to make a move with these simple steps Shonda Moralis MSW, LCSW “Do not fear mistakes: There are none.” Easy for me to say? Well, no, not really. Even though one of my favorite personal mistakes* ultimately led to the successful publishing of my first book, this Miles Davis quote, which is posted…

  • Finding Light in the Darkness

    Joyce Marter LCPC MINDFULNESS In a world where mass shootings and the horrific tragedies of war are continually in your news feed, it’s easy to feel hopeless. Glimmers can help you achieve a more positive outlook when faced with adversity. Glimmers are those flickers of hope, happiness, or optimism that we encounter during challenging times or when we’re…

  • Matthew Perry starred in a hit show. But for those fighting addiction, his greatest legacy is his memoir

    Written by August Brown (LA Times) (Photo credit: Good Morning America interview) (NOTE from Blog Publisher) We covered a news story last year, October 19th 2022, in which Matthew Perry admits to almost dying due to his addiction of opioids. The title was “Matthew Perry Reveals He Nearly Died After Opioid Abuse Burst His Colon” and…

  • Navigating Parenthood With a Mental Illness

    Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy MD Mental health conditions are common. One in five U.S. adults experience a mental illness and global estimates show at least 50 percent of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetime. Decades of research have documented the relationship between parental mental health and that of their children: The mechanisms are complex…

  • How to Improve the Human Ability to Forecast

    Thomas Suddendorf Ph.D. There are many good reasons to complain about human foresight. For one thing, we are often lousy at taking a longer view, being guided instead by the prospects of a quick buck, the whims of the daily news cycle, or likes on social media. We persistently predict our projects will be finished within…

  • You Are a Very Particular Person

    Timothy A Carey Ph.D. A couple of days ago I wandered over to the café which is just a short stroll up the road from my house. I ordered my usual double-shot espresso and then moved off to the side to wait for my name to be called. I frequently enjoy these short interludes when…

  • The Conflicting Science of Social Media and Mental Health

    Austin Perlmutter M.D. As of 2023, the United States has almost 250 million social media users. That number climbs to nearly 5 billion people worldwide and is expected to reach 6 billion by 2027. The average person spends an astonishing two and half hours of their time on social media each day. To put that into perspective,…

  • Who Cares?

    Sandra Parker Ph.D. Climate disasters, power-hungry narcissists, fake news, identity theft, rising food prices … Has a sense of overwhelm begun to permeate as you scroll through your feed? Do you feel a certain weariness around caring? If so, you are not alone; compassion fatigue has worsened for many people post-pandemic, leading to sleep difficulty, irritability, and numbing. Many of…

  • “Back to School Blues” May Be Worse Than Just Blues

    Peter Gray Ph.D. Schooling has a halo around it in society’s eyes, and halos tend to interfere with perception and judgment. Maybe that’s why nearly everyone, including journalists, whose job it should be to keep their eyes and minds open and report honestly to the public, continues to ignore the ever-growing evidence that school is…

  • What We Know About Youth Mental Health Visits to the ER

    The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research It’s well-established that youth mental health has suffered in recent years—with wide-ranging factors contributing to the problem including the proliferation of social media among young people and the isolation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, the U.S. Surgeon General reported that 44 percent of U.S. high-school students feel persistently sad…