Tag: Recovery Model of Mental Illness

  • How to Practice Mindfulness to Improve Your Well-Being

    Health Essentials Each day, set your intention to stay in the present moment! Daily meditation is a powerful tool for managing your stress and enhancing your health. But bringing present-moment awareness to all your daily activities is important.   Wellness expert Melissa C. Young, MD, shares simple but powerful tips for incorporating mindfulness into your everyday life.  Try meditation “Daily meditation can help relieve…

  • How To Bring Mindfulness Into Your Employee Wellness Program

    Alan Kohll – Forbes.com You have probably heard the term “mindfulness” come up in the workplace recently. It’s one of the easiest—and cheapest—ways to help your employees become healthier and happier. Why is mindfulness so popular? Every single person at your office has experienced stress or anxiety at some point in their lives, but not everyone knows…

  • The Keys to Understanding Dysthymia (High-Functioning Depression)

    Sean Grover L.C.S.W. Reviewed by Kaja Perina There are 3 common causes of dysthymia, and here are 3 reliable solutions. High-functioning depression, also referred to as dysthymia, can be hard to spot. Unlike major depressive episodes, high-functioning depression is low-level, chronic, and doesn’t have a clear trigger. Interventions to address high-functioning depression include increased self-care,…

  • How to Treat Both Trauma and Addiction

    Single-gender sessions, and power in numbers. Lantie Elisabeth Jorandby M.D. Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event. Trauma experienced during childhood may be especially harmful and long-lasting. Some people with unresolved trauma will turn to drugs or alcohol to numb themselves to it—and become addicted. Trauma-informed addiction care shifts…

  • Should You Seek Self-Satisfaction or Self-Transcendence?

    Douglas T. Kenrick Ph.D. and reviewed by Lybi Ma KEY POINTS Evolutionary theory provides an essential perspective on the origins of our powerful motives, not a prescriptive philosophy. Slavish servitude to powerfully evolved motives can sometimes lead to a very unfulfilling life in the modern world. To make choices that lead to a meaningful life,…

  • My History of Service on this Veterans Day

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] John C. Riley – Graphic Designer and blog publisher for HereNOW Help My name is John Riley and my MOS while in the military was Operation Specialist Second Class, I am a recovering Alcoholic and live with a mental illness but I am getting the treatment I need. So many Veterans deny they have…

  • Why Do These New England States Have Starkly Different Suicide Rates?

    Kerry Shaw In New Hampshire, twice as many people take their own lives than in Massachusetts. Massachusetts and New Hampshire share more than a border, Puritan heritage, and the New England Patriots. Both states are prosperous, with median household incomes and state health care systems that rank among the top ten in the country. They’re predominantly white and largely…

  • A Single Dose of Psilocybin for Treatment-Resistant Depression

    Leah Kuntz A single dose of psilocybin could help patients with treatment-resistant depression, according to a new study. According to the results of a phase 2b trial of COMP360 psilocybin therapy for treatment-resistant depression (TRD), the largest study of its kind, patients with TRD could see symptom relief after a single dose of psilocybin.1 Investigators…

  • Serotonin and Depression: Is there really a relationship?

    Bill White – Chipur Controversy: we’ve never shied away from it here. Popular belief is there’s a cause and effect relationship between serotonin and depression. But wait, is there really a relationship at all? Serotonin and depression: a supposed one yanks the other’s chain relationship for as long as I can remember. However, a recent…

  • Pregnancy And Postpartum Disorders

    Birth-related severe PTSD Mental Health America Pregnancy and the birth of a child can be a joyous and exciting time, but some women may struggle with their mental health as they transition to motherhood. Mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder may surface during or after pregnancy. Additionally, birth-related post-traumatic stress disorder or a severe but rare…