recovery Archives - My Blog My WordPress Blog Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:14:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230284208 How to Protect Against Undue Influence Online Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:14:56 +0000 Steven A Hassan PhD The potential for undue influence has become increasingly significant in this era of digital interconnectivity. Undue influence can distort our perceptions, manipulate our decisions, and sometimes jeopardize our autonomy and mental health. As an expert in cults and mind control, I’ve studied and fought against the deceptive tactics cults of all […]

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Steven A Hassan PhD

The potential for undue influence has become increasingly significant in this era of digital interconnectivity. Undue influence can distort our perceptions, manipulate our decisions, and sometimes jeopardize our autonomy and mental health. As an expert in cults and mind control, I’ve studied and fought against the deceptive tactics cults of all kinds use for years. Here are some essential strategies to protect yourself online from undue influence.

1. Understand What Undue Influence Is

The first step to protecting yourself is understanding what undue influence is. It refers to a situation in which an individual or group exerts unreasonable control over another person’s behavior information, thoughts, and emotions (BITE model). In the digital realm, undue influence can take many forms: disinformation campaigns, persuasive advertising, propaganda, and even manipulative content designed to induce fear, uncertainty, or dependency. In the case of QAnon, it actually creates in targets a pseudo-identity; to family, coworkers, and friends, the person seems to have developed a radical personality change.

2. Develop Media Literacy Skills

In an age of fake news, it is crucial to develop media literacy skills. Such skills involve analyzing, evaluating, and creating media in various forms. Become a discerning consumer of information; verify the source, check for credibility, and look for inherent biases. Here is an excellent media bias chart, produced by Adfontesmedia.

3. Maintain a Healthy Skepticism

Maintain a healthy skepticism towards online information, especially if it seems too good to be true or incites extreme emotional reactions. Beware of confirmation bias, which seems to validate your preexisting beliefs. Avoid sharing content until you’ve confirmed its validity. I usually want to know that reputable news sources like Associated Press have covered the story.

4. Prioritize Privacy

Privacy is paramount. Delete as much data as you can about yourself. Be mindful of what information you share online, and always ensure that your online activities are secured through reliable antivirus software, VPNs, and safe browsing practices. Review all policies on platforms, especially “free” ones: If you aren’t paying, then you are the product, as, in many cases, they are selling your data.

5. Utilize the BITE Model of Authoritarian Control

I developed the BITE (Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional) model to help people understand and identify instances of undue influence. Online, this could manifest as websites or groups that control your behavior, limit your access to balanced information, manipulate your thoughts, and exploit your emotions. Awareness of such tactics can empower you to identify and avoid potential undue influence online.

6. Learn about The Influence Continuum

The BITE model is best understood within the context of the Influence Continuum, a tool I developed to help people recognize the line between ethical and unethical influence. At one extreme is respect for individuality, encouraging critical thinking, and informed consent. Conversely, there is manipulation, demands for obedience, and deception. Understanding where influence falls on this continuum can equip you with the tools to resist undue influence. BITE model behaviors indicate unethical authoritarian control. The worst authoritarian control gives rise to dissociative disorder in acolytes as the result of the creation of a pseudo-identity in the image of the cult leader or ideology.

7. Be Mindful of Time Spent Online

A healthy mind requires, on average, eight hours of restorative sleep. Turn off your smartphone an hour or two before bedtime. Ideally, keep your phone out of your bedroom. Limit the time you spend on platforms known for hosting manipulative groups. Prolonged exposure can gradually desensitize your skepticism and make you susceptible to undue influence. Remember, AI is often used to press your emotional buttons to keep you on the platform.

8. Utilize Available Resources

Numerous resources are available for those seeking to better understand undue influence and mind control. Use resources from reputable mental health and cybersecurity organizations to help safeguard your online experiences.

By incorporating these steps into your digital life, you can protect yourself from undue influence in the online world, ensuring that you can think and act independently, free from manipulation. Remember, everyone deserves the right to live free from undue influence. It is your mind. Only you should control it!


Marci, C. D., MD (2022). Rewired: Protecting Your Brain in the Digital Age. Harvard University Press.

Combi, C. (2015). Generation Z: Their Voices, Their Lives. Hutchinson.

Orlowski-Yang, J. (Director). (2020). The Social Dilemma [Film]. Exposure Labs.

Viken, K. (Director). (2020). People You May Know [Film]. AMC Plus Documentaries.

Amer, K., & Noujaim, J. (Directors). (2019). The Great Hack [Film]. The Othrs.

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‘I was diagnosed with depression’: Lindsey Vonn reveals her struggle with mental health adding she can still be ‘strong’ while feeling down Tue, 18 Oct 2022 14:13:51 +0000 By ASHLEIGH GRAY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM UPDATED: 12:52 EDT, 17 October 2022 Lindsey Vonn got candid while speaking with MSNBC reporter Nicolle Wallace about her mental health journey. The 37-year-old athlete was a guest on the network’s limited series Deadline: Special Report, where she noted she was diagnosed with depression. ‘I was diagnosed with depression and given medication and I still […]

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UPDATED: 12:52 EDT, 17 October 2022

Lindsey Vonn got candid while speaking with MSNBC reporter Nicolle Wallace about her mental health journey.

The 37-year-old athlete was a guest on the network’s limited series Deadline: Special Report, where she noted she was diagnosed with depression.

‘I was diagnosed with depression and given medication and I still resisted therapy because I still thought there was nothing wrong with me. And there is nothing wrong with me!’ she emphasized.

Candid: Lindsey Vonn was a guest on the limited series Deadline: Special Report, where she noted she was diagnosed with depression; seen in September

Candid: Lindsey Vonn was a guest on the limited series Deadline: Special Report, where she noted she was diagnosed with depression; seen in September

Vonn initially spoke publicly about her depression while speaking to People back in 2012, but she says the topic needs to be normalized.

The Deadline series focuses on America’s mental health crisis, and will feature sit-downs with other celebrities like Taraji P. Henson and Rosie Perez. 

About her diagnosis, Lindsey told Nicolle: ‘I really only went to the doctor because a friend of mine had been diagnosed with depression and had really similar symptoms. 

‘I went in like, “I’m just gonna get this done with so I can confirm that I’m fine. Everything’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with me,”‘ she admitted.

Her story: ‘I was diagnosed with depression and given medication and I still resisted therapy because I still thought there was nothing wrong with me. And there is nothing wrong with me!’ she emphasized

The Olympic gold medalist noted that there’s still stigma surrounding conversations about mental health, particularly in the sports industry.

‘It’s viewed as you can’t be a strong athlete if you’re depressed. You can’t be strong and have weakness,’ she detailed.

Vonn, a native of Minnesota, acknowledged and praised athletes like Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka for prioritizing their mental health.

Interview: Lindsey got candid while speaking with MSNBC reporter Nicolle Wallace about her mental health journey

Interview: Lindsey got candid while speaking with MSNBC reporter Nicolle Wallace about her mental health journey

Lindsey also talked about her late mother, Lindy Anne Lund, who recently died following a battle with ALS.

She noted her mom’s ability to remain positive about life, even as she was dying.

‘When she was diagnosed with ALS she was very sad, obviously – it’s terminal. She cried and then the next day she said, “Today is another great day.”

‘And every day since then she said, “Today is gonna be a great day.”‘

Appearance: Vonn was recently on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where she spoke about her late mom Lindy Ann Lund, who passed away from ALS

Appearance: Vonn was recently on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where she spoke about her late mom Lindy Ann Lund, who passed away from ALS

She added, ‘She was dying and she was positive. When you think about your own struggles, I’m like, “How could I not be positive? How could I look at the bright side of everything like my mother did?” Because if she can see it, then I certainly can.’

Vonn was recently on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where she talked more about her mom’s impact.

Taking to Instagram, she teased in a caption, ‘Check out my segment on the @kellyclarksonshow today! Talked about my Mom, my book, my insomnia and got in a cooking competition with my friend @chelseahandler and @wolfgangpuck.’

Lindsey’s memoir, Rise: My Story was released in January. 

Beloved: Lindsey is mourning the death of her mom, but says she inspired her to stay positive through mental health struggles

Beloved: Lindsey is mourning the death of her mom, but says she inspired her to stay positive through mental health struggles


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The Five Stages of Recovery Mon, 26 Sep 2022 19:16:52 +0000 Although recovering from drug or alcohol abuse can be an intense and unpredictable process for many, addiction experts around the world have noticed a trend in patients that eventually see lasting change. It takes a great deal of strength and perseverance to go through rehab, and the decision to lead a life free from drugs and […]

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Although recovering from drug or alcohol abuse can be an intense and unpredictable process for many, addiction experts around the world have noticed a trend in patients that eventually see lasting change. It takes a great deal of strength and perseverance to go through rehab, and the decision to lead a life free from drugs and alcohol is only one step. For many recovering addicts, even getting to that step is difficult.

The stages of recovery have gained recognition because therapists have discovered that each stage requires different strategies in order to effectively treat the client. Although there are five proper stages (Pre-Contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance), they can also be separated into “early,” “middle,” and “late” stages.

For instance, a client that is in the Contemplation stage will also be considered in the “early” phase of recovery, meaning that strategies focusing on immediate concerns (curbing cravings, abstaining from use, preventing relapse) should be put front-and-center, while later stages of recovery may be more focused on rebuilding relationships. By recognizing where each client is on their journey to sobriety, a therapist can begin to understand how to help them rebuild their life in a structured, orderly fashion.

Differences from Person to Person

By all means, this journey is not the same for everyone. Some may make progress, only to regress back a few stages later on. A certain amount of people may even have to start over multiple times. Nobody is perfect; the important part is the continued urge to change.

While this ability varies from person to person, it demonstrates that these stages of recovery do not come from the therapist. They come from within the patient.

Pre-Contemplation Stage – Typically, people in the pre-contemplation stage have not yet admitted to themselves that they have a problem. In these cases, they are usually going through the motions due to some form of pressure, whether it is from their spouse, their family, their employer, or the police.

At this point, many addicts will avoid any conversation about addiction in fear that others may try to change them. If someone tries to stage an “intervention” at this point, it will probably be met with extreme denial.

People in the pre-contemplation stage often feel that their addiction is the result of a number of factors, like their job, home life, or genetic makeup. In many situations, patients remember their Pre-Contemplation stage as one of the most hopeless periods of their life. Some even hit what is commonly referred to as “rock bottom,” which can lead to feelings of Contemplation regarding their addiction. Once they’ve recognized that they have a problem, they have moved out of the Pre-Contemplation stage.

Contemplation Stage – Even if a person is struggling to understand the root of their addiction and how to recover, simply thinking about potential courses of action to take is a gigantic step forward. Some individuals remain in the Contemplation stage for months, with only vague plans on how to move forward. Again, even getting this far is great progress.

While regular use may continue during this phase, contemplators report enjoying their vices less, and also report that they’re using more. This increases their feelings of hopelessness, but these are often combatted by uplifting feelings of potential for change. Once users shift more into thinking about a future free from drugs, rather than lingering on their past, they will be ready to move into the next stage of recovery.

People nearing the end of this stage often say that they no longer feel “hopeless.” Instead, those feelings are replaced by simultaneous excitement and anxiety.

Preparation Stage – Once people reach the Preparation stage, they’ve been fueled by their excitement and have made solid plans for recovery. Whether this is through a pledge of abstinence or admittance to an addiction recovery center, people who are preparing for a life free from drugs have more than just a vague notion of how they want to get better. Even just picking a day, or a week, or a month, or a year to focus on recovery can help patients put themselves into the Action stage. An addiction treatment center can help guide patients on how to handle their addiction and give them the necessary tools to overcome their drug and alcohol addictions for good.

Occasionally, patients report having to conquer feelings of ambivalence prior to getting out of the Preparation stage. However, once their plan of action has been set on a committed timeline, they usually move on without an issue.

Action Stage – In this stage, people engage in the bulk of what they would consider to be “recovery.” In short, they change either their behavior or their surroundings in order to enact change.By enacting the change for which they have been preparing, recovering addicts build their sense of accomplishment and achievement. Although this stage often requires the most effort on the part of the person, it’s also the most important stage since it will be the bedrock for their continued recovery..

This is often the first stage that others can see from the outside looking in. Addicts often go through the first three stages while facing criticism that they aren’t really changing. While it takes a great deal of time and effort to get to this stage, those that get here report feelings of satisfaction and self-worth that their internal efforts were valuable after all.

Maintenance Stage –  Only through great commitment is great change truly possible. Once clients are “done” with the Action phase, they often move back into their familiar surroundings. Sometimes, they are able to view their life anew and make a continued effort to better themselves. Unfortunately, many people face relapse when introduced to an environment reminiscent of their illicit past. Sometimes even visiting an old friend can trigger urges that lead back to stage one.

The maintenance stage is so immense that it encompasses the entirety of the “late” recovery phase. While there are many physical actions that can be taken to avoid falling into old habits (losing your dealer’s phone number, taking up a new hobby), true maintenance is about using your newfound sobriety to explore the root of your addiction. This way, the addiction has less of a chance of manifesting as something else entirely, like gambling, overeating, or addiction to sex.

Rehab treatment centers, like Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment Center, will dive into further detail in regards to all recovery stages and will help guide recovering addicts to a sober life. Through programs such as the Continuum of Care model that Retreat Treatment Center offers, recovering addicts will be offered outpatient services that may include individual, group, and family therapies for long-term sobriety.

Ways to Help and Ways to Hurt

If you know someone suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, it can be instinctual to want to help or offer advice. In some cases, it may seem prudent “cold turkey,” or who went through rehab and magically got better and felt their urges completely disappear. Unfortunately, in many cases, this is fiction.

Too often, good-natured friends will regurgitate “tips” from various stages of recovery and unwittingly try to give counsel to a recovering friend of theirs. If a client tries to do too much before they are ready, it may become overwhelming and lead to relapse. For this reason, it’s important to leave treatment of addiction to individuals who understand how to foster recovery in a safe, structured environment. While it’s natural to want to help someone through their process, the best thing that you can do for them is be supportive on their journey.



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