Tag: research

  • Understanding the Limits of Psychiatric Diagnoses

    Daniel Marston Ph.D. Psychiatric diagnoses often do not say much about what is happening with a person. Psychiatric terms do not carry much meaning if all they focus on is symptoms and not how conditions impact a person’s functioning. There are alternatives to the widely-used DSM-5 for better understanding the causes and impacts of psychiatric…

  • Why Are Old Habits So Hard to Break?

    Jessica Koehler Ph.D. Behavior change is a challenging endeavor, requiring intentional and consistent effort to modify actions and habits to attain desired objectives. The field of psychology offers valuable insights into the factors that make behavior change a challenging endeavor. By understanding these underlying concepts, we can better comprehend why altering our habits can be…

  • Advancing the Delivery of Mental Health Care With Technology

    Susan J. Noonan MD Technology in mental health care can improve access to services for some. The use of technology in providing mental health care has increased dramatically. Virtual appointments and mental health apps can improve access to services for some, but not all, persons. Barriers exist to the use of technology and virtual appointments,…

  • Teaching Vulnerability in Clinical Supervision

    Amir Levine Ph.D. A newer clinician I supervise recently asked me, “What do you believe is the most important quality a therapist should have?” Reflexively, I answered, “Access to our vulnerability.” Source: wowowG/Shutterstock In all my years of supervising clinicians and observing my own process, I have found that our ability to tap into and…

  • How Uncertainty Causes Anxiety

    Adam Omary Whole or skim milk? Take your normal route home or an unfamiliar potential shortcut? Flip a hypothetical trolley switch that would kill one person, saving five others. All of these decisions have two things in common: uncertainty and anxiety. Whether you consciously feel anxious or not in deciding between two similar options at the grocery…

  • How Trauma Interrupts Each Stage of Lifespan Development

    Kathleen Marriott B. Psyc (Hons) MSoH A traumatic event can occur at any stage of development and hinder growth and success; it can even stop development altogether. Interventions designed to help trauma interrupting development aim to create experiences of the unfinished or underdeveloped stage. With the proper support and resources, you can move forward, rebuild…

  • Four Steps to Better Self-Evaluation

    Bruce Tulgan, JD More and more organizations are integrating a regular measuring practice into their cultures. The question is: What are they in the habit of measuring? Too often, what gets measured most is removed from what individuals feel they can control. So, the numbers they are always hearing about don’t tell them very much…

  • Therapy Everywhere, All at Once: The Therapy Multiverse

    Richard Brouillette LCSW The multiverse is the idea that there are multiple versions of our universe, meaning multiple versions of ourselves in alternate realities. By exploring alternate selves and versions of events, we can find and unlock trapped feelings, bringing them to awareness. Cognitive rigidity can lead to mental health symptoms and relationship problems.  You’ve probably…

  • Treating Sensory and Environmental Challenges

    Jessica Broitman Ph.D. Co-authored with Miranda Melcher As discussed in a previous blog, sensory issues are essentially someone finding touch, sound, light, taste, or other sense-based stimuli either too much or too little in their effect, compared to the range of “normal.” These issues can often be unnoticed, including by the affected person, since what is considered normal…

  • The Culture Of Drinking On St. Patrick’s Day And Staying Sober In Recovery

    Spring Hill Recovery Center Millions of people drink (namely beer) on St. Patrick’s Day every year, which began as a day to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. People in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction can pursue sobriety by participating in non-alcohol-related activities and getting outside support. St. Patrick’s Day is one…