Tag: research


    NAMI California Good news: State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) has introduced SB 224 to require all students in California receive age-appropriate mental health education. The bill, which NAMI California co-sponsored, ensures that students in grades 1 and 12 will receive mental health education from a qualified instructor at least one…

  • What is Blue Monday?

    By Randi Mazzella Deemed the most miserable day of the year (but not backed by science), Blue Monday is the third Monday in January. Read this if you feel let down when the excitement of the holidays are over. For some people, the holiday season is a difficult time of year. When the holiday décor…

  • Understanding Addiction and What It Feels Like to Be Addicted

    By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhDMedically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD If you’ve never experienced addiction, it can be hard to understand. Everyone’s experience with addiction is unique. This article is intended to encourage an understanding of people with addiction, not to represent or stigmatize any individual or groups.  What Is Substance Dependence? Feeling Apart…

  • 10 Wellness Trends From 2022 That Experts Say You Should Keep In 2023

    By Jillian Wilson – Huffington Post A lot of things trend on social media, and many of those trending topics aren’t good. In fact, they can be pretty harmful (looking at you, NyQuil chicken). But, like all trends, they capture attention for a reason — some of these popular topics even prove pretty useful. In the…

  • Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness

    NIMH – National Institute Mental Health Are you afraid of being judged by others? Are you self-conscious in everyday social situations? Do you avoid meeting new people due to fear or anxiety? If you have been feeling this way for at least 6 months and these feelings make it hard for you to do everyday…

  • How to set Goals for 2023: By a Psychology Student

    3 Key Ingredients Danial Mirsajedin 1. Specific The more specific your goal is the better. Why do people not make specific goals? An ambiguous goal makes it harder for people to know if they failed or achieved their goal. Once you make a specific goal, failure or accomplishment becomes obvious. Ambiguous goal: “I want to…

  • Working Virtually

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] John C Riley When Covid-19 displaced workers out of their offices most businesses/companies turned to remote work and Zoom. When college/universities were impacted they also moved over to Zoom. Having first hand experience doing the Zoom education it was interesting to say the least but it was familiar to me because a lot of…

  • How to manage your mental health over Christmas

    Rethink.org Staff Christmas can feel as though it is everywhere at this time of year. From November onwards, there is a steady stream of reminders that it is edging closer. The festive period can bring complex emotions for many – from feeling overwhelmed to feeling pure joy. But for some people, the more difficult emotions…

  • The Role of Peers in Addiction Recovery

    Michael’s House Addiction can be a very lonely experience that drives a wedge between a user and the world around him. By contrast, companionship is very important in recovery. Friends and loved ones offer a reservoir of support and inspiration to someone who is relearning how the world works. The role of peers in addiction recovery…

  • Using VR (Virtual Reality) to Treat Social Anxiety

    Guest Author for www.rtor.org Currently I am working on a Virtual Reality emersion therapy that involves fear of heights and I wanted to delve more into alternative therapy with VR because I am passionate about working in this field and merging mental health therapy with virtual reality. First, What is social anxiety? Social anxiety disorder…