Tag: substance abuse

  • 4 Ways to Say “No” to Alcohol Without Saying It

    Sarah Dermody Ph.D. Cutting down on your drinking? Set SMART goals and practice refusing drinks now. It is officially summer! Many of us are finally enjoying some downtime in the sun at cookouts, sporting events, or weekend getaways. Dry January has long come and gone, but you may have decided to cut back or even…

  • 5 Self-Soothing Techniques

    Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. Self-soothing is defined as an individual’s efforts or capacity to calm themselves while in a state of emotional distress (Wright, 2009). It is a key aspect of well-being as it helps us stay regulated and calm (take the well-being quiz here to learn more about your well-being). We learn many of our self-soothing patterns…

  • This Ad Is Going Viral For Its Important Message on Body Image

    Dove released a 3-minute PSA examining the devastating impact social media can have on children as they develop their body image. Written by Rowan Lynam In a stunning 3-minute PSA for the Dove Self-Esteem Project, Dove examines the cost of toxic beauty standards on the mental health of developing minds. The video emphasizes the cascading…

  • The Culture Of Drinking On St. Patrick’s Day And Staying Sober In Recovery

    Spring Hill Recovery Center Millions of people drink (namely beer) on St. Patrick’s Day every year, which began as a day to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. People in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction can pursue sobriety by participating in non-alcohol-related activities and getting outside support. St. Patrick’s Day is one…

  • Teen Substance Use

    Danielle M. Dick, Ph.D. I direct one of the largest addiction research centers in the country, and I study substance use in adolescence. Here’s what every parent needs to know about adolescent substance use: 1. Adolescence is the time when most kids initiate substance use. It’s when they establish regular patterns of use, that many start to experience…

  • More Than 1 in 9 Adults With Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders Are Arrested Annually

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pew Trust Only 10% of all adults with co-occurring disorders received treatment for both conditions in the past year, national survey data show Policymakers are increasingly focused on justice system interactions with and outcomes for people with either mental illness or substance use disorders.1 What has received less attention, however, is the extent to which…

  • 2022 was worst year for overdose deaths in New Hampshire since 2017

    Troy Lynch News Anchor/Reporter WMUR MANCHESTER, N.H. — Newly released figures show that 2022 was the worst year for overdose deaths in New Hampshire since 2017. State officials said there were 434 confirmed overdose deaths, with another 39 deaths still pending toxicology test results. In every overdose death, fentanyl was involved. There have been more…

  • Understanding Addiction and What It Feels Like to Be Addicted

    By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhDMedically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD If you’ve never experienced addiction, it can be hard to understand. Everyone’s experience with addiction is unique. This article is intended to encourage an understanding of people with addiction, not to represent or stigmatize any individual or groups.  What Is Substance Dependence? Feeling Apart…

  • The Correlation Between Trauma & Substance Abuse

    By The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake | Editor Melissa CarmonaMedically Reviewed By Nanci Stockwell, LCSW, MBA One of the most frequently asked questions regarding substance abuse is, “what causes addiction?” While there’s no clear answer, there are several risk factors that affect the likelihood that a person will experience addiction during their lifetime. A family history of addiction, having…

  • The Role of Peers in Addiction Recovery

    Michael’s House Addiction can be a very lonely experience that drives a wedge between a user and the world around him. By contrast, companionship is very important in recovery. Friends and loved ones offer a reservoir of support and inspiration to someone who is relearning how the world works. The role of peers in addiction recovery…