Tag: substance abuse


    Windmill Wellness One of the most common challenges people struggling with addiction face is what to do instead of their bad habits. Some may fear they cannot have fun without drugs or alcohol, while others are simply new to sober activities. Either way, having a repertoire of fun and fulfilling activities to fall back on…

  • 31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health

    Mental Health America 1. Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day. 2. Start your day with a cup of co­ffee. Coff­ee consumption is linked to lower rates of depression. If you can’t drink coff­ee because of the caff­eine, try another good-for-you drink…

  • Veterans speak about substance abuse and PTSD…in Virtual Reality

    John Riley A friend of mine named Syrmor Shiraz also know as just “Syrmor” on Youtube is a interviewer who speaks to many people online in a therapy session atmosphere. He has 1.1 million subscribers and for some reason. I see him as a unofficial therapist who actually listens and has also helped Veterans talk…

  • The Power of Positivity in Addiction Recovery in Minneapolis

    Optionsfamily.com When it comes to building a new life in addiction recovery from drugs or alcohol, the power of positivity is often underestimated. Focusing on long-term happiness can help each person live life to the fullest, in recovery from alcohol and drugs. Some people believe that if you look good, you feel good. Other people…

  • Being Thankful

    EDITORIAL BY THE PUBLISHER Today is Thanksgiving and there is a lot to be thankful for whether we know it or not! Mental health and substance use recovery is not an easy road but with our friends and family to support us we can be thankful to them for believing in us. Even if we…

  • How to Treat Both Trauma and Addiction

    Single-gender sessions, and power in numbers. Lantie Elisabeth Jorandby M.D. Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event. Trauma experienced during childhood may be especially harmful and long-lasting. Some people with unresolved trauma will turn to drugs or alcohol to numb themselves to it—and become addicted. Trauma-informed addiction care shifts…

  • L.A. Times report that Tom Petty’s death is still a hard reminder for aging rockers and opioid addiction.

    BY RANDY LEWIS (This original article has paragraphs that have been omitted for context to opioid addiction) When Tom Petty was rushed to a hospital one year ago in full cardiac arrest, two words immediately sprang to many minds: Not again. Weeks later, the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner’s report confirmed what many family members, friends…

  • CDC issues new guidelines for opioid prescriptions

    Will Stone & Pien Huang The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued new guidance for clinicians on how and when to prescribe opioids for pain. Released Thursday, this revamps the agency’s 2016 recommendations which some doctors and patients have criticized for promoting a culture of austerity around opioids. CDC officials say that doctors, insurers, pharmacies…

  • Combating the Opioid Epidemic in New Hampshire

    Representative Chris Pappas of New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District Note from the Publisher: Election time is coming up and living in an important primary state such as New Hampshire I wanted to share what Mr. Pappas considered one of our very important issues facing our state, addiction. Here is what is recognized and what efforts…

  • Combating the Opioid Epidemic in New Hampshire

    State issue presented by Congressman Chris Pappas – New Hampshire 1st congressional district For all too many New Hampshire families, the opioid crisis is deeply personal. Far more action must be taken at all levels to save lives and curb this epidemic.        As a member of New Hampshire’s Executive Council, I provided the pivotal vote…