Tag: substance use

  • Video Game Addiction and Substance Abuse

    By The Recovery Village | Editor Megan HullMedically Reviewed By Dr. Bonnie Bullock, PHD  | Last Updated: June 03, 2022 Editorial Policy | Research Policy Video game addiction impacts individuals from all walks of life and often co-occurs with substance use disorders. Learn about video game addiction and substance abuse. Video game addiction often co-occurs with mental health conditions and substance use disorders. In…

  • Video Game Addiction and Substance Abuse

    By The Recovery Village | Editor Megan HullMedically Reviewed By Dr. Bonnie Bullock, PHD  | Last Updated: June 03, 2022 Editorial Policy | Research Policy Video game addiction impacts individuals from all walks of life and often co-occurs with substance use disorders. Learn about video game addiction and substance abuse. Video game addiction often co-occurs with mental health conditions and substance use disorders. In…

  • Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic and Pragmatic: The Perfect Should Not be the Enemy of the Good

    January 4, 2022 By Dr. Nora Volkow This essay was also published by Health Affairs on January 3, 2022. Last year saw drug overdose deaths in the U.S. surpass an unthinkable milestone: 100,000 deaths in a year. This is the highest number of drug overdoses in our country’s history, and the numbers are climbing every month. There is an…

  • 6 of the Hardest Drugs to Quit

    Edited by:Marisa Crane, B.S. Updated Apr 4, 2022 Publisher notes: When you sign up for HereNOW Help you can utilize our tools to set a clear path to addiction recovery, here are some benefits of our app. MEASURE OUTCOMESDo assessments, create treatment plans, set goals and track progress. Explore & export all user data. INCREASE REFERRALSEngage…

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Substance Abusers

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Linda A. Dimeff, Ph.D.1 and Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D.2 Articles from Addiction Science & Clinical Practice are provided here courtesy of BioMed Central Note from the publisher John Riley for HereNOW Help Full disclosure: I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and I am also a recovering alcoholic and I find this scholary article very insightful and correct…

  • Co-occurring mental illness, drug use, and medical multimorbidity among lesbian, gay, and bisexual middle-aged and older adults in the United States: a nationally representative study

    Published: 04 August 2020 Benjamin H. Han,  Dustin T. Duncan,  Mauricio Arcila-Mesa &  Joseph J. Palamar  BMC Public Health volume 20, Article number: 1123 (2020) Abstract Background Older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults are an underserved and understudied population that experience specific health disparities. The intersection of aging and chronic medical disease with a higher risk for substance use and mental…

  • Why Therapy Is Broken

    Everyone is telling one another to “get help,” but few acknowledge that the practice is often flawed. ELEANOR CUMMINS SEP 26, 2022 8:00 AM Elanor Cummings Social Media AN HOUR A week in a shrink’s office is increasingly treated as a prerequisite for a healthy, happy life. There, we imagine, friends learn new coping skills and…

  • Integrated Treatment of Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders

    Thomas M. Kelly and Dennis C. Daley Abstract Epidemiological studies find that psychiatric disorders, including mental disorders and substance use disorders, are common among adults and highly comorbid. Integrated treatment refers to the focus of treatment on two or more conditions and to the use of multiple treatments such as the combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Integrated…