Tag: treatment

  • Why Therapy Is Broken

    Everyone is telling one another to “get help,” but few acknowledge that the practice is often flawed. ELEANOR CUMMINS SEP 26, 2022 8:00 AM Elanor Cummings Social Media AN HOUR A week in a shrink’s office is increasingly treated as a prerequisite for a healthy, happy life. There, we imagine, friends learn new coping skills and…

  • Integrated Treatment of Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders

    Thomas M. Kelly and Dennis C. Daley Abstract Epidemiological studies find that psychiatric disorders, including mental disorders and substance use disorders, are common among adults and highly comorbid. Integrated treatment refers to the focus of treatment on two or more conditions and to the use of multiple treatments such as the combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Integrated…

  • Substance use disorders in military veterans: prevalence and treatment challenges

    Jenni B Teeters, Cynthia L Lancaster, Delisa G Brown,and Sudie E Back Disclaimer This disclaimer relates to PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), and Bookshelf. These three resources are scientific literature databases offered to the public by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). NLM is not a publisher, but rather collects, indexes, and archives scientific literature…

  • Connection Between Substance Use Disorder and Mental Illness

     Publish Date – March 6, 2021  Written By Ben Lesser  Medically Reviewed By Nina Köhler And Ralf Dietrich   Last Updated on May 25, 2021 by Ben Lesser Mental illness and substance abuse are directly or indirectly connected to the other with adverse effects to the user. Why might a person be drinking heavily when they are mentally ill? Neither the…